

美世 沼泽 Benefits (“MMB”) provides clients with a single source for managing the costs, 人的风险, 以及员工福利的复杂性. 这是美世和沼泽的结合, global leaders for innovative and reliable health and benefits advice strategic solutions, 经纪服务. 

我们对我们的透明度和披露方式感到自豪, 在为客户服务时,我们做出以下承诺: 

  • 我们从事合乎道德的商业行为 
  • We define with our clients the terms of our engagement, including our role and responsibilities
  • 我们可以根据客户的要求提供, 遵守当地法律和惯例, our compensation from insurers and other third parties and our interests in the services we provide our clients
  • 我们以诚信管理利益冲突,客户利益至上

我们的承诺在MMB全球范围内适用, 尽管我们是如何得到补偿的, and the nature of our disclosure may differ according to the services we provide and in accordance with local law and practices. 

This Global Transparency and Disclosure Statement summarises the types of compensation received across MMB globally. There may be countries that either do not receive certain of the compensation types noted below due to local practices or restrictions under local law and regulation. Accordingly, please consult your local MMB consultant for information related to a specific entity.

广泛的, MMB为其客户提供广泛的服务, 与客户和保险公司有各种补偿安排, 包括一种或几种的组合:

  1. 费用安排
  2. 佣金
  3. 保险公司服务收入
  4. 其他形式的补偿


1. 费用安排

一些客户可能会同意为MMB提供的替代服务支付费用, 或者除了, MMB从保险公司收到的任何佣金. Fee amounts will be agreed with clients and included in the contract for services entered into between MMB and client at the outset of the engagement.

2. 零售佣金

Retail commissions are paid to MMB by insurers as a percentage of the premium charged to the client for its insurance policy. 佣金的数额可能因多种因素而有所不同, 包括客户所销售的保险产品种类和选择的保险公司, and commission rates may vary from transaction to transaction and change 不时地.

3. 选择佣金  

百万桶可能 receive different types of commission from insurers in addition to retail commissions as follows: 

  •  额外的零售 佣金: 百万桶可能 negotiate additional retail commissions with insurers for certain types of placements at the start of the year or a specific period, 它们在那一年/特定时期内是固定的.
  • 阈值的佣金:  百万桶可能 also negotiate commissions (may be referred to as contingent or supplemental commission) at the start of the year or a specific period which are earned only when MMB meets an agreed threshold based on volume, 保留, 或相关投资组合的增长. MMB does not enter into any Profit-based threshold commission arrangements with insurers.
  • 配送费用:  不同时期佣金结构不同.e. the first year % of commission is typically higher (in lieu of business acquisition costs for the broker), 在随后的几年里,它会下降到更低的水平.

Additional information about MMB’s insurer commission arrangements are available to MMB clients on request to MMB.

4. 保险公司服务收入

MMB receives compensation from insurers for specific portfolio-related services delivered by MMB (or MMB’s representatives), 在某些情况下,由专门的团队.  这些保险公司的关系被记录在正式的服务协议中.  视服务而定, 百万桶可能 receive fee-based compensation or compensation that is set as a percentage of premium.

MMB earns three types of compensation associated with the different forms of services provided to insurers as follows: 

  • 保险公司咨询赔偿: MMB’s insurer consulting team may provide a range of consulting and data analytics services to insurers designed to improve the product offerings available to MMB policyholders, 协助保险公司寻找机会, 提高保险公司的经营效率.  补偿 for these services is by fixed fee only – MMB’s insurer consulting compensation arrangements do not include percentage-based compensation, 可自由支配的组件, 奖励或可变元素.
  • 保险方案赔偿: MMB可能创造, 管理和/或管理某些小组, 投资组合的设施, 配额的股票, line slips and delegated authorities and participating insurers may compensate MMB for the activities MMB carries out for or on their behalf by way of a fixed fee and/or on a percentage of premium basis. 
  • 工作转移补偿: 百万桶可能 receive compensation from insurers for administrative work that MMB does for or on their behalf, 包括MMB协助政策服务的领域, 索赔, 和配售执行(这与MMB作为经纪人进行的工作无关), 为了避免疑义, MMB不会为同样的服务获得两次补偿).  

Additional information about MMB’s insurer services compensation arrangements are available to MMB clients on request to MMB.

5. 其他形式的补偿 


  • 百万桶可能, 不时地, participate in insurer sponsored promotional events or employee training and development, and sometimes MMB is reimbursed by insurers for costs related to promotional marketing. 
  • 另外, 在处理客户资金的过程中,我们可能会赚取利息, 或受益于, 投资收益或汇率. We also receive payments from the companies that provide premium finance facilities to allow our clients to pay their premiums in monthly instalments.
  • In certain countries 百万桶可能 also enter into referral arrangements with third parties (including insurers) to refer clients to these third parties for their provision of products or services, MMB可能因此收取转诊费.

6. 要求详细说明我们是如何支付的

Clients of 百万桶可能 obtain further details of how we are paid by making a request to their usual MMB contact.

How we are compensated and the level of information we can disclose may change according to the services we provide and in accordance with local law and practices. 

7. 关联方交易

We and our subsidiaries or affiliates own shares in and have contracts with certain insurers and reinsurers. We also own or have interests in other insurance-related businesses that may provide services associated with a client's account.

如果您对MMB的透明度和披露承诺有任何疑问, 或者想知道我们收到的补偿的信息, 请不要犹豫与您的MMB客户联系.